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2023년 2월: Choi group 첫번째 석사생인 김지호와 조영욱이 졸업을 하였습니다. 축하합니다!
Feb 2023: Congratulations to Jiho and Yeonguk on graduating with Master's degrees. We wish them all the best!

2023년 2월: Choi group 실험실 공사가 완료되었습니다!
Feb 2023: The construction of new lab space for the Choi Laboratory has been completed!

2022년 10월: Carolyn Bertozzi 교수의 노벨상 수상을 축하합니다.
Oct 2022: Congratulation to Prof. Carolyn Bertozzi on being awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her groundbreaking work in developing bioorthogonal reactions.
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